
WU Yi, Professor


Xi’an Jiaotong University, China






      吴翊,1975年11月生,江苏人,2006年获西安交通大学电气工程专业博士学位,2009~2010为中国德力西控股集团有限公司博士后,现任西安交通大学电气工程学院教授。研究领域主要集中在电弧等离子体与电力系统短路开断机理方面,研究工作具体包括开关电弧放电新理论方法、电弧等离子体物性参数、非平衡态等离子体、热气体击穿分析、电弧调控及大电流开断等。成果已在 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci.等期刊发表SCI论文56篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文32篇(含ESI论文1篇)。 任《Plasma Science and Technology》期刊编委,“气体放电及其应用(GD)国际会议”科学委员会委员,国际学术组织CIGRE直流工作组委员。并已在国际电力开关设备会议(ICEPE-ST2017),机电元件国际会议(EMD-2014),中国国际供电会议(CICED-2016),国际零点俱乐部会议(Zero Club Meeting-2016),亚太等离子体科学国际会议(APCPST-2014)作特邀报告5次,并受邀参加国内外企业及高校进行电弧等离子体与直流开断方面的技术研讨8次。获国家技术发明二等奖1项,教育部自然科学一等奖1项,陕西省技术发明一等奖1项,并获“教育部新世纪人才”称号。



Title of the Talk: Simulation and Analysis on High Voltage DC Circuit Breaker


Dr. Wu was born on Nov.,1975 in Jiangsu Province of China. He had learned the electrical engineering and got his PHD in 2006 from Xi’an Jiaotong University. From 2009 to 2010, he worked on the post doctor position for Delixi Corporation. Now he is a Professor in the School of Electric Engineering of Xi’an Jiaotong University. Dr. Wu’s research has been centered on the Electric arc plasma and short current interruption mechanism in the electrical power system. He continues to explore new methods and theories on switch arc discharge, arc plasma properties, non-equilibrium plasma and analysis of breakdown in hot gas, arc characteristics controlling and high DC current interruption. Dr. Wu has 56 peer-reviewed papers published in SCI journals including, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., etc., including 32 first/ corresponding-author papers (1 ESI paper of these). 

He is also the editorial board member of Plasma Science and Technology, Scientific Committee member of GD Conference and member of CIGRE Working Group on DC switch technology. He has given 5 invited talks at international conferences organized by ICEPE, EMD, CICED, CZ Club, APCPST and 8 invited talks at seminars on the arc plasma or DC interruption to industries and international universities. He was awarded "The Second Prize of National Technical Invention", " First Prize of Natural Science of China’s Ministry of Education", "First prize of technical invention in Shaanxi Province" and "The Excellent Talents of the New Century of the China’s Ministry of Education".


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