2019年03月11日 第一轮会议通知
2019年04月08日 第二轮会议通知
2019年05月10日 第三轮会议通知
2019年06月17日 摘要和全文截止日期
2019年07月07日 酒店预订截止日期
2019年07月01日 网上注册截止日期
陈伟根,教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家百千万人才工程入选者,国家有突出贡献的中青年专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家;国际大电网CIGRI WG-A2.27工作组委员,中国电机工程学会高电压技术专委会委员,中国水电工程学会自动化专委会委员;期刊“IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine”、“Journal of Nanomaterials”等特邀编辑;重庆市电气工程学术技术带头人;重庆大学教授、博士生导师。
Title: Simulation Modeling and Detection Antenna Arrangement Optimization of UHF Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Transformer Partial Discharge
Weigen Chen is the professor, doctoral tutor and the academic leader in electrical engineering of Chongqing University.
Prof. Chen is the distinguished professor of Changjiang Scholars Program by Ministry Of Education and is elected in the National Talents Engineering Project. He is also rated as the young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions and State Council Expert for Special Allowance.
Prof. Chen is the member of working groups of CIGRE (A2.27). He is also the member of the High Voltage Specialized Committee of China Electrotechnical Society as well as the Automation Specialized Committee of China Hydropower Society. He is now the invited editor of “IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine”, “Journal of Nanomaterials”, etc.
He has led and accomplished over 20 national key scientific and technological projects. His research won over 10 prizes at national, provincial and ministerial level, and authorized over 20 national patents. Prof. Chen has published 2 books and over 300 papers in journals or conferences, among which over 200 are indexed by SCI or EI.